
A place for family and friends to see what I'm up to. Visitors welcome here.

Hail Guest, we ask not what thou art.
If Friend, we greet thee, hand and heart.
If Stranger, such no longer be.
If Foe, our love will conquer thee.
-Old Welsh Door Verse

Sunday, May 20, 2012


A very decent day.

I'm thinking of it as a preliminary summer break day.  A practice day.

I want to be productive this summer.  Less hanging around the computer, more life.  Today was more like what I want than not.


Deadheaded some flowers ('Totally Tangerine' and 'Flames of Passion' geum; 'Sexy Rexy' rose).  Turned Dr. Huey in the 'Joseph's Coat' into tortoise food.

Watered the fairy garden, fed the brugs.  The hydrangeas are just a few days away from being a wall of color.  Can. not. wait.  The passion vine is taking over (yay!) and Cecile Bruner is a mass of blossoms at the top.  All of my cuttings - begonias, brugs and passion vine - seem to be rooting.

Cut some flowers for the Sanctuary.

Roses are "About Face", "Brass Band," "Just Joey", "Hot Cocoa."  "Sexy Rexy" and "Honey Perfume" in the back.  Viburnum in the middle.  Two colors of alstromeria. 

Did some reading and a little writing.

Swept a bag full of dog hair.  Vacuumed.  Did my laundry (all folded and put away).  Cleaned the Sanctuary.  Such a calm spot.

News flash in the Stitchery!  Progress on the Firefly Faeries (TIAG).

Hint: it's the green skirt.

Know what I just realized a few weeks ago?  After all these years of working on this, on and off?

I watched Disney's Sleeping Beauty again.  Check it out.


The Firefly Faeries bear a striking resemblance to Flora, Fauna and Meriwether.  It didn't dawn on me until I saw this scene with their little feet buried in their petticoats.  They're even the same colors.  I love it!  I have loved working this piece - can't wait until it's finished - and now am reminded of my favorite faeries when I work it.  And get this, when it's done, the spot I've reserved for it is right above a print I bought at Disneyland.

Yep, I'm a Sleeping Beauty fanatic.  My favorite Disney movie.  Guess I'm just drawn to it even when I don't realize it.

Anyway, I enjoyed my couple of hours of stitching (with minimal frogging this time).

Was listening to August Rush for the zillionth time while I stitched.

I wonder if I will ever not cry at the end.  Made it a little tough to stitch through the tears.

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